High Performance Logging

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Prioritizing Workforce Development Across the Region

The CWF remained busy working in collaboration with its partner BioApplied Innovation Pathways as the High Performance Logging (HPL) program continued to work with forestry contractors, member companies and industry associations, to continue efforts in assessing the workforce capacity issues and developing strategies to address them both in the short and long term.

With its hands-on approach to training, HPL continued to improve the health and viability of the forestry supply chain through a series of active projects delivered throughout 2024.

NB Forestry Equipment Operator Training Program

The NB Forestry Equipment Operator Training program offered in 2023-2024 was completed in early 2024 with five students being recognized and presented with certificates. As phase two of the overall training program, an advanced-level program was launched supporting existing operators with in-field training that provided ‘hands-on’ instruction along the lines of harvesting techniques, productivity, and operational efficiencies. Through the in-field component, expert coaches worked one-on-one, on-site with the contractors, operators and staff to identify opportunities, share BMP’s and provide coaching.

The program also included an in-class component which was geared more toward the business owner focusing on both business practices and HR Management fundamentals offered in both English and French.

Fifteen contractors and their operators participated in the program which was completed in August 2024. A skills matrix assessment was conducted to measure participating operator’s overall skill level using as many as 11 dimensions (depending on machine type and harvest prescription). Most operators were assessed twice or more throughout the program, allowing an analysis of skills progression, which averaged 11% overall, with one operator showing a gain of 37%. Funding for the advanced-level program was provided in large part by the NB Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour, forestry contractors and the NB forest industry.

NS Ecological Forestry Contractor Training Program

 Under the umbrella of the Ecological Forestry on Nova Scotia Crown Lands and introduction of the Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix (SGEM), this new management guide fostered the need to cultivate and enhance capacity within the private sector for the successful execution of the new forest policy objectives. The Ecological Forestry Contractor Training Program emerged to provide harvesting contractors and their machine operators with the requisite training for effectively implementing ecological harvest prescriptions as outlined in the Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix. Funding for this program is provided by the NS Department of Natural Resources & Renewables.

 The program’s delivery adopted a workshop format, leveraging its ‘interactive’ nature to draw on the experience and knowledge of contractors and operators. A morning session focused on the Basic Fundamentals of Ecological Forestry & Biodiversity Values, and the operational requirements for successfully executing the prescriptions.

There were eight workshops delivered during the 2023 operating season and although there were no additional workshops provided in 2024, the focus turned to supporting contractors who had participated in the program with on-the-job coaching in executing the ‘irregular shelterwood’ prescriptions. A series of workshops are scheduled for 2025.

 In January 2024, and as part of the Ecological Forestry ‘Triad model’, the “From Seedling to Success: Fostering Healthy and Sustainable Managed Forests Through State-of-the-Art Practices” conference was held with over 170 delegates in attendance from across the region. The two-day program targeted the “high-production forestry (HPF)” leg of the Triad model and focused on fostering networking and knowledge-sharing to elevate the understanding of key operational aspects associated with the implementation of high-production forestry. Topics included the role of managed forests, ecological forestry, state of the art practices on tree improvement, site preparation, planting, and vegetation management, as well as best practices to ensure managed forests are well maintained in a ‘free-to-grow’ state.

As a follow up to the From Seedling to Success conference, three additional workshops are scheduled in 2025 to do a ‘deeper-dive’ into best practices, research and technologies to ensure successful plantations and well managed natural stands, incorporating a mix of presentations and field visits.

 A final project under the initiative was in support of the attraction and retention of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) workers in Nova Scotia. The supply of silviculture workers, particularly PCT workers is currently a challenge for the forest sector with an aging workforce as well as challenges attracting new workers attributed to the challenging work environment, piece rate pay system which limits wages during the learning curve, and upfront equipment purchase costs which is often borne by the employee. The pilot program provided support with a unique approach to recruiting youth for PCT work, training and coaching, supporting them to purchase equipment, and supplementing income during the learning phase.


The SimProView candidate screening service was first developed through the NS forestry machine operator training program and adapted as a stand-alone screening process that is tailored to the unique challenges faced by forestry contractors in finding potential employees best suited for the position of machine operator. The “Sim-Pro-View” service provides the forest industry and contractors with better information by applying industry specific assessments using a harvest simulator and a tailored behavioral assessment to assist contractors in their interview to help determine the candidate that fits the job profile.

The service has generated interest from forestry contractors and forest product companies.

Cultivating the Future of our Forests

Canadian Woodlands Forum’s High Performance Logging program is proud to support a new training program in Nova Scotia to give students hands-on training opportunities in living classrooms. Denis Beford is actively training the next generation of forestry professionals in partnership with woodlots owners who are passionate about supporting our forests and our workforce.